Ben Shirk

I am a graphic artist who has stumbled into the world of photography and fallen in love with it. I believe that After Dark is exactly the catalyst photographers need to move their studios and the industry to the next level. I know of no other place where you can find such a vast array of amazing photographers that are willing to work individually with you on anything that you need … rocketing your skills far beyond your current levels.

Capturing the human form has always been a passion of mine. For many years I drew people, everywhere I went I was drawing everyone around me, studying nuances in the way an arm bent or the how the curls of someone’s hair fell across their nose. I was fascinated how a single line could completely change the way something looked. This challenge and love of capturing people slowly lead me to photography. I borrowed my first real camera from a friend in 2005 and I began playing around with it. Slowly I started photographing more friends and family. Finally in 2007 I had enough of a client base to leave my job as a graphic artist and become more serious about photography but I had never been to a photography class or had the opportunity to work with another photographer. The only techniques I knew were things I had taught myself (which wasn’t very much) I was stumbling along in the dark trying to become a successful photographer but severely limited in my skills and knowledge but not knowing where to go or who to talk to. When I finally discovered Dave Junion and the other mentors here at After Dark my world completely changed. The open learning format of After Dark was exactly what I needed to change my life and my business.
I am very proud to be part of the After Dark experience.

I will be using Photoshop to show others how to create amazing team composites that look more like movie posters than a team portrait. I will also be spending some time in Lightroom, talking about how it can change your life. Instead of spending hours toning and processing images in PS – you can do it in seconds in Lightroom and easily give your images a creative twist using presets. If you have been looking for something to set you apart from other photographers this is it. Come play and learn, you’ll love it.